Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Movie Time!

After all that fun with Creative Grammie, Flat Leilani went to visit Jayne. They went to the movies and let's see if you can guess which one she voted for...

Honestly, don't know how Jayne found time for the movies with all of her cute but very intricate crafts she makes. Check out her blog, HandmadeCuteCrafts. BTW, Flat Leilani Loves Jayne's Toyota, too ;)! Well, I know this is just the beginning of her adventures but she sure is having FUN!

If you and your friends want to meet Flat Leilani, just drop me a note at!

Thank You for stopping by today and hope you're enjoying your summer, too! Check back tomorrow, Flat Leilani told me a little about where she was heading next and call I can say is WOW!


  1. Oh Thank you for posting the photo and mentioning my blog. Leilani has a thing for Jacob. We're having a great time w/Leilani and I love it that she doesn't answer back to me. Such a nice girl!

  2. Hey Jayne,

    If she starts talking to herself, sorry, she picked that up from me!

  3. Hey Joy!
    I'm intrigued by Flat Leilani's adventures! Can't wait to see who she'll visit next and what she'll be up to! :)

  4. I think this may have been one of her favorite places to visit! LOL!
    Jodi =)

  5. Wow, it seems Flat Leilani is having a wonderful time! What an adventure.


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