Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What's for Lunch Wednesday, plus some winners!

OK, no I am not having "wieners" for lunch...but I do want to first announce that I decided to let Flat Leilani pick TWO winners for the Twitter Tuesday Contest. All the names were thrown in the bag. She had some tape on her and the two names that stuck to her, won.

Congrats to Creative Grammie! and @IheartMyMelody. Since this is my 2nd Blogaversary, you both will receive a $25 Gift Card! Thanks everyone for playing. Check back Friday for ....Facebook Friday!

Now, for more important stuff...what's for lunch? Well, actually I noticed that we have a lot of food related stuff in our Ben Franklin Craft stores. So today, I decide I wanted to use one of our latest finds and make...Poke Push Ups!

Push Up Pops are those cool re-usable plastic containers that let you stack layers of yumminess. They even have a snap on lid to keep everything nice and fresh. Then, to eat, just slowly push up the bottom stick and eat as much of a layer as you want.

So here's my first Poke Push Up - Spicy Ahi. First, I layered some rice.

Then, the Spicy Ahi poke.

 Then, more rice, more poke and sprinkled with some nori. Oh, so ONO!

Then, I made one with Shoyu Ahi poke.

And one with Sesame Tako, Oh So ONO!

Then, I decided that I wanted a nice "light" dessert, so I made a Trifle. A layer of Pound cake, some Cool Whip, little strawberry Jello, repeat and EAT!

Oh, I think I'm gonna like these "What's for Lunch Wednesdays" might have to do it again next week!
Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you're having a great day and you had a GREAT lunch, too!


  1. Congrats to the winners and OH MY OH SO YUMMMMMMY!!! i have to get me some of those and get creative... =D TFS your lunch treats!

  2. Congrats ladies ! and those push up pops looks so delish the way you made them.... Yummo on the spicy tuna that is my fav..... I guess I will have stop by BF and go check it out.....

  3. Yummy! The What's for lunch Wednesday is a great idea :)

  4. wow, joy, that is such a creative idea! everything looks so yummy, especially the poke!

  5. Congratsto the winners! Wow that is so cool, love those treat pops, I got to get some. Can I have some of yours for now, please LOL.

  6. OMG! Onolicious! Me want, me want! I'm hungry for some poke! :)

    This is a great idea Joy! I have a case of 100 push pops in a box, sitting in the family room. It's been there for a couple of months now . . . awaiting my son's 1st birthday! I'll be assembling the cake pops, but I'm luvn the poke pops bettah! :)

    Oh, sorry . . . I don't tweet let alone FB (very rarely I get on). Would have commented but could see/find the question. Anyway, I'm luvn your he-art journaling pages as well. YOU ARE HILARIOUS and CREATIVE!

  7. Mahalo nui loa Joy! I'm so happy I won your Twitter contest! I can go shopping now!
    Ok, I want your lunch, all my favorites! LOL
    But I think I need it to be in larger containers. LOLROF
    Hugs to you.


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